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A Wonderful And Fun print book Based On The Multi-Award Winning Sally-Save-Water™ Awareness Program.


Come along with Sally-Save-Water™ and wiggle and giggle as she visits' Miss Fudge's classroom and teaches everyone her "Don't Be A Drip....Save a Every Drop©" water saving tips! 


This funny and educational story is based on thousands of actual live Sally-Save-Water™ presentations. 

Price: $3.46  (English)


Aqua Viene Sally-Save-Water: No seas un goloso, guarda cada gota.


Disfrute de la gran diversión que Sally-Save-Water® trae al aula de Miss Fudge en el libro de Sally-Save-Water® "Here Comes Sally-Save-Water®". Acompáñenos con Sally-Save-Water® a moverse y reírse mientras ella visita el aula de Miss Fudge y les enseña a todos "Don't Be A Drip...Save Every Drop© ️" consejos para ahorrar agua. Esta historia se basa en miles de presentaciones en vivo de Sally-Save-Water®. El amor por la lectura se desarrolla al disfrutar, escuchar y actuar una historia para el niño pequeño.

Precio: $3.46  (Spanish)

"Sally-Save-Water© Did it Again!"

"Growing up I was raised to 'save every drop,' so I love that my kids are learning about water conservation from Sally too. Sally's tone and dialogue is the perfect blend for an educational yet lighthearted bedtime story. As the former President of California's Schools Public Relations Association and current Professor of Communication, I am confident that kids will be captivated and informed by this witty book."

– Jacqueline Ratto, M.A.

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